The format will remain pretty much the same – a glass of something fizzy when you arrive, four courses, truffles, coffee by Vagabond, and service with the broadest of smiles. Suggested donation is £35 a head and it is, once again, a bring your own booze affair.
We are now taking bookings for September, continuing with the Olympic-style ballot system. Let me know which date(s) you’d like to come and how many people you’d like to book for, and your name will go in the hat.
September dates are:
3rd September
17th September
24th September
The ballot closes at midday on Friday. Email james at jamesramsden dot com to throw your name in the hat.
Look forward to feeding you in our new home!
are you doing any veggie dates soon? I’d love to bring The Viking x
I would so love to be pulled out of the hat and sit with Dom and The Viking…..but alas not visiting UK anytime soon. I will just wait for your posts to tell me about all the deliciousness that is served.